Our Mission

For over 60 years of Catholic collaboration, the International Catholic Stewardship Council promotes and supports Catholic teaching on stewardship by providing education and resources for dioceses, parishes, and institutions of the Roman Catholic Church.

2024 Annual Conference

Called to be Saints

SEPTEMBER 15-18 | NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA The theme for this 62nd anniversary conference is Called to be Saints. The conference image is that of the Adoration of the Holy Trinity by Albrecht Dürer, ca. 1511. The painting gives us the opportunity to experience a dazzling vision of the kingdom of heaven from two perspectives. We see both heaven and earth which keeps us mindful that though we live on this earth, we are as Saint Paul describes in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:2), counted among the saints in heaven through our Baptism and profession of faith in a Triune God.



ICSC recognizes one of its five GOLD Strategic Partners, ACST Catholic

ACST Catholic, has been a leading provider of church ministry tools, support, and expertise solutions for Catholic parishes and dioceses for over 40 years. They have recently launched The Discipleship Indicator, a powerful new service that enables Catholic parishes to build or strengthen ministries to help form intentional disciples. The groundbreaking Discipleship Indicator provides insight into parishioners’ journey of discipleship. It has been developed to serve parishes in forming and activating disciples for evangelization. We are grateful for ACST’s partnership with ICSC and for their extraordinary efforts to support and grow our Catholic parishes and dioceses across the country.   Continue Reading…


ICSC August Stewardship Prayer

Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. On the next page we have included an August stewardship prayer for your consideration.   Continue Reading…


2024 Diocesan and Catholic Foundation Awards

Each year ICSC recognizes arch/dioceses and Catholic foundations that best promote the theology of stewardship and Catholic philanthropy throughout the year. Please click the link below to access instructions for submitting applications for all categories of awards. Thank you for sharing your creative stewardship ideas! Application deadline is June 30th.   Continue Reading…


Tools for Growth

Monthly eBulletin

Receive helpful resources to enhance stewardship in your ministry. Discover prayers, featured articles, and Gospel reflections on a stewardship way of life. Be inspired, be equipped, and be transformed!

From Our Strategic Partners

Each month ICSC provides practical information, whitepapers, and tips, as well as other insightful information from our Strategic Partners in this monthly e-resource, Wisdom From ICSC Strategic Partners.
Models of Stewardship

Stewardship Saints - Saint Augustine of Hippo, bishop and Doctor of the Church

In August we celebrate the life of Saint Augustine of Hippo. He was one of the most distinguished theologians in the history of the Church and may have exercised more influence on the shape and direction of doctrines of faith than any other theologian including Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Stewardship of Leisure Time: Refreshing Our Spirits

The anticipated number of travelers on the highways and in airports for the first week of July is a hopeful sign that people are “catching their breath” and beginning to wind down and relax a little. Those in the mental health fields argue that because of the stress and anxiety in our daily lives we need to get away for extended periods of rest and relaxation, especially now in the summer months.