Our Holy Father, Pope Francis has asked Catholics worldwide to pray for peace and the preservation of human dignity in Ukraine. The pontiff’s request has been echoed by church leaders from across North and South America, asking everyone to unite in prayer for an end to the violence in Ukraine and for peace throughout the region. They also affirmed their participation in the March 2 Ash Wednesday “Day of Fasting for Peace” called for by Pope Francis.
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
Merciful Father,
Today we ask you to bring peace to Ukraine and an end to war.
Grant that Ukraine and its neighboring countries grow in a deeper spirit of brotherhood, and that all hurts, fears and divisions will be overcome.
They are a people who have experienced immeasurable pain and suffering in their history; they have suffered from hunger, suffered from much brutality and they deserve peace.
Through your Spirit and the active presence of your Son, may your love and compassion touch the minds and hearts of world leaders, so that dialogue may prevail and the common good be placed ahead of partisan and warring interests. Show us how to make an end to war and bring about peace and solidarity in our time.
We pray this in the name of your Son, Christ Jesus,
Prayer for Peace
Lord Jesus Christ,
Make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love.
Where there is injury, let us offer pardon.
Where there is discord, let us build peace.
Oh Divine Lord, you taught us that those who work for peace
are called the children of God.
Help us to persist in establishing justice and truth
as firm and lasting foundations of peace.
Lord, you offer us peace as a gift
and peace as a responsibility that we must realize
with your help.
Give us the grace to reach for peace,
to have attitudes of peace,
that our words may be of peace,
and that our works be works of peace.
Then, may we build the peace that we and our nations need.
By Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz, Archbishop of Bogota, Colombia. Used with permission.
Giving Options for the Crisis in Ukraine
Russia has invaded Ukraine in the biggest state-against-state attack since World War II. Millions of civilians are caught in the middle of an escalating war and humanitarian crisis, and casualties are rising. A number of charitable organizations are establishing funds to support Ukrainians in need, with a focus on the most vulnerable, including children.
Below you will find three Catholic organizations providing such relief. Please check out their websites if you wish to support their work in Ukraine.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has established an emergency relief fund for Ukraine. To support its work there CLICK HERE.
The Knights of Columbus has established a “Ukraine Solidarity Fund.” To learn make a gift to this fund, please CLICK HERE.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
You may also wish to direct your gifts to the support of the Church in Central and Eastern Europe in your parish collection. If you miss the collection, or your (arch)diocese does not participate, you can send your gift to:
Church in Central & Eastern Europe
USCCB Office of National Collections
P. O. Box 96278
Washington DC 20090-6278
Make your check or money order payable to: “Church in Central & Eastern Europe.” To make a gift online, please CLICK HERE.
#iGiveCatholicTogether also accepts donations for this program.