St. Katherine Drexel

Every capital campaign requires initial donors, those major gifts in the quiet phase that ensure a strong foundational for the campaign’s future. Large gifts can stretch people’s pocketbooks, but can we imagine entirely emptying them? That’s the story of St. Katherine Drexel.   The daughter of a prominent investment banker in Philadelphia in1858, Katherine experienced …

August 30, 2017

St. Juan Diego

“When [Jesus] looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. He said, ‘I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than the rest” (Luke 21:1-3).   Juan Diego was born a member of the native Chichimeca people …

St. Teresa of Kolkata

In this internet age, we have unique insight into the lives of modern day saints. St. Teresa of Kolkata is much beloved for her care for the poorest of the poor in the slums of India. Born in Albania, St. Teresa began her religious life as a member of the Sisters of Loreto. After a …