Stewardship Reflection: We are Easter People!
No matter what we have endured the past few weeks, let us remember that we are an Easter people. The joy of Easter is celebrated not only during the liturgical season we call Easter. It is celebrated every day of the year. The Mass is the Paschal Mystery, and every time it is celebrated, we …
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Stewardship Saint for May: Saint Luis Batiz Saenz
Saint Luis Batiz Saenz Saint Luis Batiz Saenz was a Mexican Catholicpriest who suffered martyrdom at the beginningof the Mexican uprising against the anti-Catholicregime of Plutarco Elías Calles. Luis was born in 1870 in San Miguel delMezquital, Zacatecas, then in the Archdioceseof Durango. He was said to have been a devout,prayerful, young boy. At age …
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ICSC May Stewardship Prayer
Stewardship Prayer Heavenly Father, Your Son ascended in great triumphto sit at your right hand.You sent your Spiritto watch over us, guide usand teach us to be better stewardsof your abundant gifts. May this Spirit of wisdommake us better stewards of ourEaster promises. May your Spirit increase our awarenessof the dignity of every human life,and …

Stewardship Saint for April: Saint John Baptist de La Salle
Saint John Baptist de La Salle St. John Baptist de La Salle is the patron saint of schoolteachers. He was the founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and is renowned for his lifelong devotion to educating the poor. John Baptist was born to a wealthy family in Reims, France, in 1651. He was …
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ICSC April Stewardship Prayer
Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

Prayers for Peace and Giving Opportunities for Ukrainian Relief
Jesus Christ’s followers shine the light of the Lord on those around them by the words they speak and the actions they take. This is one of the great gospel images of discipleship: the light of discipleship in Christ shining for all the world to see.

Stewardship Saint for March: Saint Oscar Romero
Saint Oscar Romero Oscar Romero was born on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 1917, in Ciudad Barrios, a mountain village in El Salvador near the Honduran border. He was the second of seven children. Romero’s father wanted him to be a carpenter and as a young man he showed considerable promise. But he …
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ICSC March Stewardship Prayer
Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

Stewardship Reflection: Start Planning Now to Make Your Lent More Meaningful
Jesus Christ’s followers shine the light of the Lord on those around them by the words they speak and the actions they take. This is one of the great gospel images of discipleship: the light of discipleship in Christ shining for all the world to see.