Stewardship Saint for July: Saint Prisca and Aquila

Saint Prisca and Aquila Prisca and Aquila were a prominent married couple who were missionaries, established churches and played an active role in the evangelizing ministry of Saint Paul. They are mentioned six times in four different texts of the New Testament. Prisca and Aquila were of Jewish heritage and two of the earliest known …

June 30, 2021

ICSC July Stewardship Prayer

Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

June Reflection – Stewards of Our Neighbors: Jesus’ Parable of the Good Samaritan

Jesus Christ’s followers shine the light of the Lord on those around them by the words they speak and the actions they take. This is one of the great gospel images of discipleship: the light of discipleship in Christ shining for all the world to see.

June 2, 2021

Stewardship Saint for June: Saint John Fisher

 Saint John Fisher Although Saint Thomas More was the most famous victim of King Henry VIII’s persecution of Catholics who refused to accept his supremacy over the Church in England, his friend and adviser, John Fisher, was the first to protest King Henry’s machinations, and suffered martyrdom because of it. John Fisher was born in …

May 26, 2021

ICSC June Stewardship Prayer

Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

Stewardship Saint for May: Saint Philip Neri

 Saint Philip Neri Philip Neri was born in 1515 in Florence, Italy, during a time of intensive reform and vigorous renewal in the Church. The Council of Trent convened on three occasions during his lifetime. He went to Rome in 1532 where he lived in extreme poverty, but devoted himself to visiting the sick and …

April 30, 2021

ICSC May Stewardship Prayer

Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

April – A Month that Brings Easter Joy

Jesus Christ’s followers shine the light of the Lord on those around them by the words they speak and the actions they take. This is one of the great gospel images of discipleship: the light of discipleship in Christ shining for all the world to see.

April 5, 2021

Stewardship Saint for March: Saint Katharine Drexel

Saint Katharine Drexel Katharine Drexel, the second American-born canonized saint, was born into great wealth in Philadelphia in 1858. Her mother died soon after Katharine’s birth, and she was raised by her father and stepmother, both known for their philanthropy, especially their generosity to the poor. As a young heiress, Katharine traveled extensively across the …

March 5, 2021