Transform November into a Month of Thanksgiving
Very soon Americans will celebrate the Thanksgiving holidays; a time where so much is devoted to sumptuous meals highlighted by turkey and pumpkin pie, traveling to and from the ancestral home, enjoying family, feasting on leftovers, seeing a Thanksgiving Day parade and watching football. For many of us, Thanksgiving Day is so full of activity …
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ICSC November Stewardship Prayer
Stewardship Prayer Gracious and loving God, As the autumn season continues its transformation;and the days become shorter, the earth cooler;as we anticipate joining family and friendsin joyful celebration on Thanksgiving Day,we pause to give You thanks and praisefor the abundant blessings You have bestowed upon us: For life and health, safety and comfort,food and nourishment, …

Steward Saint for November: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
St. Frances Cabrini, better known as Mother Cabrini, was the first American citizen to be elevated to sainthood by the Catholic Church. Born in 1850, near Milan in northern Italy, she was the youngest of 13 children. As a young girl she was fascinated by the stories of missionaries and made up her mind to …
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Stewardship Saint for October: Saint John XXIII
Saint John XXIII is arguably the most beloved pope in the history of the Catholic Church. He touched people around the world in a way no other pope had ever done, earning him the affectionate title of “Good Pope John.” He was born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, the third of 13 children, to poor tenant farmers …
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ICSC October Stewardship Prayer
Stewardship Prayer On October 11, 1962, Saint Pope JohnXXIII prayed the following prayer to openthe Second Vatican Council. Thereafter, thebishops at the Council continued to praythis prayer together before every session. We stand before you, Holy Spirit,conscious of our sinfulness,but aware that we gather in your name. Come to us, remain with us, and enlightenour …

ICSC September Stewardship Prayer
Loving and Gracious God,We ask You to open our heartsto your Son’s life and ministryand to answer the callto be his disciples. May our responsebe rootedin the Gospel; may we beever mindfulof the needsof our communities; and may our stewardship flow from aprofound sense of gratitudefor Your many blessings. By the gift of the Holy …

Stewardship Saint for September Blessed Antoine Frederic Ozanam
During the 1997 World Youth Day celebrations in Paris, Saint John Paul II beatified Antoine Frederic Ozanam in Notre Dame Cathedral and proclaimed him to be a model for all Catholic laity. “No better model could be given to the youth of the world than this young man … ‘Show us your works!’” Blessed Antoine …
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The International Catholic Stewardship Council recognizes one of its five GOLD Strategic Partners – ACST Catholic
Wisdom from acst Catholic ACST Catholic, has been a leading provider of church ministry tools, support, and expertise solutions for Catholic parishes and dioceses for over 40 years. They have recently launched The Discipleship Indicator, a powerful new service that enables Catholic parishes to build or strengthen ministries to help form intentional disciples. The groundbreaking Discipleship …

ICSC August Stewardship Prayer
Lord God, As we prepare for the transitionsof August; of routines becomingregular, signs of schools beginning toemerge, and traffic patterns gettingheavier, help us to appreciate thesacred rhythms in our lives. Give us the wisdom to make ourhearts be still, much as the Augustwind is still, so that we may listen tothe gentle words you speak …