Stewardship of Leisure Time: Refreshing Our Spirits

The anticipated number of travelers on the highways and in airports for the first week of July is a hopeful sign that people are “catching their breath” and beginning to wind down and relax a little. Those in the mental health fields argue that because of the stress and anxiety in our daily lives we …

July 1, 2024

Pray for the Men in Our Lives This Father’s Day

This month Father’s Day is celebrated on Sunday, June 16. Father’s Day is one of these “one-size-fits-all” holidays that can be joyful for some, stressful for others.  Not everyone had a storybook relationship with dear old Dad. Some still grieve a departed father.  Others are just joining the ranks of fatherhood and stepping with trepidation …

June 7, 2024

Stewardship Reflection

Good Stewards Avoid “Compassion Fatigue” One of the spiritual maladies Christians face today is “compassion fatigue.” The media inundates us with details of disasters, natural and made, far and wide. We can’t turn on the television without being assailed by news stories of another event that cries to us for help, and our mailboxes are …

May 29, 2024

Good Stewards Avoid “Compassion Fatigue”

One of the spiritual maladies Christians face today is “compassion fatigue.” The media inundates us with details of war, hunger, poverty and disasters, both natural and human-manufactured, all over the globe. We can’t turn on the television or digital media without being assailed by news stories of another event that cries to us for help, …

April 1, 2024

Stewardship in the New Year: Making Commitments to the Lord

Stewardship is a commitment of mind and heart to the Lord; a way of life that needsconstant renewal and transformation. This time of year has always been one of lookingforward to a new year, reflecting on the changes we need to make in our lives andresolving to follow through on those changes. Perhaps those who …

January 8, 2024

Good Stewards Live the Beatitudes

At the beginning of his famous commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Saint Augustine maintains that: “If anyone piously and earnestly ponders the Discourse which Our Lord Jesus Christ delivered on the Mount – as we read the Gospel According to Matthew – I believe that he will find therein, with regard to good …

January 5, 2024

Advent – A Season of Hope

Advent is a time of waiting and expectation; a season of quiet anticipation and preparation. We are waiting for our Lord to come into the world as the baby Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. We are also preparing for His return, His second coming as the shepherd-king, to restore harmony and right …

December 18, 2023

Christmas: A Stewardship Reflection on Sharing

“Bah! Humbug!” was the attitude of Ebenezer Scrooge toward the two gentlemen who came looking for a Christmas donation to help the poor and homeless in the streets of London. “All I want to do is eat, drink and be merry!” was the attitude of the rich fool in Jesus’ parable. Neither the wealthy but …

Everything Belongs to God: A Stewardship Reflection on the Gospel reading for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by the Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson, Archbishop of Indianapolis Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God (Mt 22:21). The Gospel reading for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time contains familiar words of Jesus in response to the Pharisees’ attempt to trap him into saying something that would …

October 13, 2023