Stewardship Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ,
As we begin to shift our thoughts
from summer schedules
to the anticipated demands of autumn,
teach us to recognize you,
and help us follow you
amidst our busy lives.
Open the Scriptures to us…
that we may know you, see you, hear you –
in the voices of friends and family,
in the ministries of our parish,
in the proclamation of the Word,
and in the Breaking of the Bread.
Teach us to be good stewards,
that we may use your gifts wisely
and care for all those you place
in our path.
Encourage us when we are overwhelmed.
Strengthen us when we are frightened.
Challenge us when we are complacent.
Help us make our August transition
a time of spiritual renewal, hope
and action: to proclaim the Gospel
in our words and in our deeds.