Stewardship Prayer
Heavenly Father,
You give us this blessed season of
Advent as a gift of time to prepare for
the coming of the Christ Child.
But all too often we turn this gift into a
source of frenzy, stress and anxiety; a
time where we’re apt to prepare for a
Christmas celebration looking perfect
on the outside, but spiritually exhausting
and without true meaning.
Restore in us that inherent quest for
quiet expectation and hope.
Show us the way to a more peaceful,
prayerful disposition that makes us
more open to a conversion of heart.
And give us the courage to let go of
things that are ultimately unimportant
to the true meaning of Christmas.
Help us be good stewards of this
Advent season, so that on the Feast of
the Nativity, we will be ready with our
own sacred space for the arrival of your
Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we
now pray.