Stewardship Prayer
Merciful God,
We embark on our journey of renewal
through difficult and uncertain times;
times of division and strife,
and for many
suffering and discouragement.
But our journey is with your son, Jesus,
who bore his cross and suffered in
ways we cannot imagine.
We journey with Jesus toward the
great paschal feast of Easter,
where we have the grace to
experience true the joy of
Teach us to be good stewards of your
mercy and forgiveness,
so that we may extend these gifts
to others.
Give us the strength to bear witness
to your son at all times,
even during these times of stress
and adversity.
And fill our hearts with love
that we may be faithful to the Gospel
Jesus proclaimed
and ready to celebrate our unity
with him and each other.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.