Stewardship Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ,
We serve in your name
as did your apostles before us.
And we live, as they did, in anxious times,
painfully aware of sin’s presence in the world;
a world in need of your Father’s mercy.
As your disciples, we also live in hope,
confident that your light is breaking through
the changing moods of life –
healing, embracing and transforming
as your presence moves deep within us.
Help us see every hour of our lives
as a moment of grace:
A time when we open our hearts
to you in prayer,
discover your Truth in our work and leisure
and live each moment as blessings
to one another.
Make us better stewards of the great wealth
of gifts you have bestowed upon us.
And show us how to teach others
to open their hearts to those who hunger,
thirst or who are strangers.
Refresh our minds,
renew our faith, and
inspire us to proclaim your Gospel
with a new energy in word and in deed
for you live and reign with the Father
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.