During the season of Lent, Catholics traditionally devote special efforts to deepen their relationship with the Lord in three areas: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.

Throughout Lent, as we remember the great sacrifice Christ made, Christian stewards examine their own sacrificial giving. We do this to emulate Christ, to gain spiritual maturity, and share with others. Our Lenten efforts are not like short-term New Year’s resolutions, designed like a forty-day weight-loss plan or a self-help project. Instead, they embody the idea of sacrifice in the pursuit of holiness. Here are a few ideas to inspire your own thoughts and to make Lenten sacrifices that might truly be life changing.


  • Dedicate yourself to an extra 5-10 minutes of daily prayer.
  • Participate in an extra community prayer activity outside of Sunday Mass such as a Mass or two during the week, the Stations of the Cross, or a group Bible study activity.
  • Find an online prayer source or read a Catholic devotional book where you can spend 10-15 minutes of prayerful reflection during each busy day.
  • Keep a Lenten journal each day to help you with your prayer regimen and spiritual growth.


  • Refrain from selected foods or beverages is often a fasting choice. You might deny yourself the consumption of alcohol during Lent. Perhaps cut down the amount of coffee consumed each day.
  • Set yourself a time limit on your non-business related or essential “screen time” Sacrifice some aspect of internet browsing, television watching, or texting, and do something constructive with the time saved.
  • Fast from negative thoughts of others. Be conscious of mean or petty mental messages.
  • Fast from the need to always be right. Spend more time reading about the ideas of great Catholic thinkers in the history of the Church.


  • A wise man was once asked, “How much should I give?” His reply: “More.” Stretch your charitable giving this Lent. Sacrifice a need or want to give more money to the offertory collection at Mass.
  • Set aside a few hours of Lent to be with or serve those less fortunate than yourself. Accompany them on their journey. Serve at a food kitchen or help out at a clothing bank. Promise yourself you will enter your “discomfort” level sometime this Lent.
  • Check out your closet. Resolve not to add to it during Lent, but instead find things to give to a charity. A real challenge: don’t just give away the clothes of which you’ve tired. Part with something you still love!