Everything Belongs to God: A Stewardship Reflection on the Gospel reading for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by the Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson, Archbishop of Indianapolis Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God (Mt 22:21). The Gospel reading for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time contains familiar words of Jesus in response to the Pharisees’ attempt to trap him into saying something that would …

October 13, 2023

Stewardship Saint for October: Saint Paul of the Cross

Saint Paul of the Cross was born in 1694 in the town of Oavada, in northern Italy, to a wealthy merchant family, the second of sixteen children. At age 19, after a normal childhood, he experienced a conversion that drew him to a life of prayer. When he was 26 years old, during a period …

September 29, 2023

ICSC October Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Gracious and Loving God, We gather in your name as stewards of this hour: to reflect, learn, give and receive. This time belongs to you, entrusted to us to shine Christ’s light on whomever we encounter; among our family and friends, colleagues and strangers, in our Church or in our world, desperate for …

Stewardship Saint for September: Saint Peter Claver

Peter Claver, a Spanish Jesuit priest, is the patron saint of Colombia and of evangelization among people of color. Born in 1580 to a Spanish farming family, Claver was educated at the University of Barcelona. He was known for his prayerfulness and intellectual prowess. He joined the Jesuit community in 1602 and was inspired to …

September 6, 2023

ICSC September Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, As we begin to shift from summer schedules to autumn demands, teach us to recognize you, and help us follow you amidst our busy life. Open the Scriptures to us that we may know you, see you, hear you – in the voices of friends and family, in the ministries …

ICSC August Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Even in the midst of these extraordinary times, you continue to reveal your loving presence in the communal life of our parish. Help us to see your active presence in our parish family, a community where peace, love and fellowship will prevail. May it be truly prayerful, intensely Eucharistic, and deeply joyful. Teach …

July 28, 2023

Stewardship Saint for August: Saint Lydia of Philippi

Lydia is the first recorded person in Europe to become a follower of Jesus Christ. She was Saint Paul’s first baptized convert at Philippi. What we know of Lydia is found in the Acts of the Apostles. She was from Thyatira, an industrial center located in what is now western Turkey. She was a wealthy …

ICSC July Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Dear Lord Thank You for teaching me to be generous as You have been generous with me. Thank You for showing me that all I am and have are gifts from You and that these gifts from you, Lord, are meant to be shared. Show me the joys of generosity. Help me to …

July 5, 2023

Stewardship Saint for July: Saint Mary Magdalene, steward of Christ’s ministry

Saint Mary Magdalene is one of the most revered saints in the history of the Church and her discipleship emphasizes the complementary roles of women, Saint Peter and the other disciples as witnesses to the Risen Christ. From the New Testament, one can conclude that Mary came from Magdala, a village on the shore of …