ICSC March Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer God of mercy, God of mercy, You have given us this special time to reflect on our lives, embrace the Good News and draw closer to You. During this season of Lent, help us use this time to fast and pray, be more generous and show others how to live in Christ. Let …

February 27, 2023

ICSC February Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Heavenly Father, You made the lightto shine out of darkness,a light that reveals the goodnessof all you have created. Your Son tells uswe are the light of the world.It is a dark world in desperate needof your infinite love and mercy. Help us to be good stewardsof the light you shine in our …

January 30, 2023

ICSC January Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Lord of new life, Thank you for the gift of a new year.You have entrusted uswith the coming days,weeks and months as stewardsof your divine plan;to live in gratitude, joy,and an ever growing confidencein your Kingdom to come. We ask for the humilityto reform our lives;the courage to commit ourselvesto you no matter …

January 4, 2023

ICSC December Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Come, Lord Jesus!Make us good stewardsof Advent.Strengthen our faith;calm our fears. Come, Lord Jesus!We hear John the Baptist’s cry.Open our hearts.Give us humility to repent. Come, Lord Jesus!Let us walk in your light!Show us how we prepare your wayand make straight your paths. Come, Lord Jesus!We give you thanks and praise,for the shining …

December 5, 2022

ICSC November Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Thank you, LordFor all the beautiful and wonderful things weexperience in our life;for the beauty of the earth and its amazing colors;for crisp autumn mornings and sparkling winter nights;for mountains and forests, rivers and seashores. Thank you, LordFor all the beautiful and wonderful things weexperience in our life;for the water that cleanses, the …

October 31, 2022

ICSC October Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, We serve in your nameas did your apostles before us.And we live, as they did, in anxious times,painfully aware of sin’s presence in the world;a world in need of your Father’s mercy. As your disciples, we also live in hope,confident that your light is breaking throughthe changing moods of life …

September 30, 2022

ICSC September Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Heavenly Father,September is a month that offers hopefor things to come:our daily life has a new rhythm,there are new beginningsand new encounters,and a new energy is seen in theparish community. In this month of accelerating activities,keep us mindful that we live for Christand not for ourselves.Give us the strength andthe wisdom to be“Doers” …

September 7, 2022

ICSC August Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, As we begin to shift our thoughtsfrom summer schedulesto the anticipated demands of autumn,teach us to recognize you,and help us follow youamidst our busy lives. Open the Scriptures to us…that we may know you, see you, hear you –in the voices of friends and family,in the ministries of our parish,in …

August 8, 2022

ICSC July Stewardship Prayer

Stewardship Prayer Heavenly Father, You are the source of wisdom and grace,the author of human freedom and creativity.We thank you for these gifts, and ask that youteach us to be good stewards of our creative spirits.As we immerse ourselves in this summer season,show us how to slow down a bit, quiet ourselves,and learn the art …

July 6, 2022