ICSC May Stewardship Prayer

Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

May 2, 2024

Good Stewards Avoid “Compassion Fatigue”

One of the spiritual maladies Christians face today is “compassion fatigue.” The media inundates us with details of war, hunger, poverty and disasters, both natural and human-manufactured, all over the globe. We can’t turn on the television or digital media without being assailed by news stories of another event that cries to us for help, …

April 1, 2024

ICSC April Stewardship Prayer

Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

Stewardship Saint for April: Saint Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church

Saint Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church Saint Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church Saint Catherine of Siena, whose feast day is April 29, was the first layperson, and alongside Saint Teresa of Avila, one of the first two women named a Doctor of the Church. She was born Caterina di Giacomo di …

ICSC March Stewardship Prayer

Prayer is the first principle to embracing stewardship as a way of life. Through prayer, we confront our own spiritual disorganization and chaos and create a sacred inner space within ourselves where we can meet and have a conversation with God. Exercising good stewardship over our life of prayer is the first essential step to our ultimate goal in the spiritual life: to live unceasingly with a deep joy in the presence of God. The ICSC family is preparing for its 58th annual stewardship conference and would like to share with you the following conference prayer so you may get a glimpse into the community’s own conversation with the Lord.

March 4, 2024

Stewardship Saint for March: Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo

Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo is the patron saint of Peru. He was the archbishop of Lima from 1579 to 1606, and it is because of his missionary work and commitment to social justice as archbishop that he has been a popular saint in Latin America for over three centuries. He had a favorite stewardship message …

Stewardship in the New Year: Making Commitments to the Lord

Stewardship is a commitment of mind and heart to the Lord; a way of life that needsconstant renewal and transformation. This time of year has always been one of lookingforward to a new year, reflecting on the changes we need to make in our lives andresolving to follow through on those changes. Perhaps those who …

January 8, 2024

Good Stewards Live the Beatitudes

At the beginning of his famous commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Saint Augustine maintains that: “If anyone piously and earnestly ponders the Discourse which Our Lord Jesus Christ delivered on the Mount – as we read the Gospel According to Matthew – I believe that he will find therein, with regard to good …

January 5, 2024

Stewardship Saint for January: Saint John Bosco

John Bosco was born in 1815 in a small town near Turin, Italy, now one of the great cultural, educational and manufacturing cities of Italy. He was the youngest of three sons of a family of farm workers. His father died when Bosco was 2 years old, leaving a widowed mother to support a family …