ICSC August Stewardship Prayer
Stewardship Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, As we begin to shift our thoughtsfrom summer schedulesto the anticipated demands of autumn,teach us to recognize you,and help us follow youamidst our busy lives. Open the Scriptures to us…that we may know you, see you, hear you –in the voices of friends and family,in the ministries of our parish,in …
Stewardship Saint for July: Saint Benedict
Saint Benedict Saint Benedict, the father of Western monasticism, is considered a model of Christian stewardship. He authored the famous Rule of St. Benedict, a handbook of daily Christian living that emphasizes exercising stewardship over prayer, work, and community. Born in central Italy in the town of Nursia around 480, Benedict studied in Rome as …
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ICSC July Stewardship Prayer
Stewardship Prayer Heavenly Father, You are the source of wisdom and grace,the author of human freedom and creativity.We thank you for these gifts, and ask that youteach us to be good stewards of our creative spirits.As we immerse ourselves in this summer season,show us how to slow down a bit, quiet ourselves,and learn the art …
Stewardship Reflection: Let’s Get Young People Involved in the Eucharistic Liturgy
Now that your teen or college age young adult has received the sacrament of Confirmation, isn’t it time to get them more deeply involved in the Mass? It is no secret that one of the best ways for a young person to nurture a greater love for the Eucharist is by a more active participation …
Stewardship Saint for June: Saint Barnabas
Saint Barnabas Barnabas comes as close as anyone outside the twelve apostles to being considered an apostle. He is memorialized, in part, for his amazing evangelizing ministry. He was a Jew from Cyprus named Joseph but the apostles affectionately nicknamed him “Barnabas,” which means “son of encouragement.” When he became a follower of Jesus he …
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ICSC June Stewardship Prayer
Stewardship Prayer Dear Lord, Your presence at the Eucharistic Table is truly the source and summit of our faith. And in the breaking of the bread your presence is meant to impel us to reach beyond our immediate gathering and unify us with the larger gathering of our sisters and brothers around the globe. If …
Stewardship Reflection: We are Easter People!
No matter what we have endured the past few weeks, let us remember that we are an Easter people. The joy of Easter is celebrated not only during the liturgical season we call Easter. It is celebrated every day of the year. The Mass is the Paschal Mystery, and every time it is celebrated, we …
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Stewardship Saint for May: Saint Luis Batiz Saenz
Saint Luis Batiz Saenz Saint Luis Batiz Saenz was a Mexican Catholicpriest who suffered martyrdom at the beginningof the Mexican uprising against the anti-Catholicregime of Plutarco Elías Calles. Luis was born in 1870 in San Miguel delMezquital, Zacatecas, then in the Archdioceseof Durango. He was said to have been a devout,prayerful, young boy. At age …
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ICSC May Stewardship Prayer
Stewardship Prayer Heavenly Father, Your Son ascended in great triumphto sit at your right hand.You sent your Spiritto watch over us, guide usand teach us to be better stewardsof your abundant gifts. May this Spirit of wisdommake us better stewards of ourEaster promises. May your Spirit increase our awarenessof the dignity of every human life,and …