Stewardship Saint for January: Saint André Bessette, C.S.C.

Saint Andre Bessette was born in 1845 in the village of Saint-Grẻgoire d’Iberville, in what is now the Archdiocese of Montreal, Canada. Baptized as Alfred, by the time he was 12 he had to work because both of his parents had died. At age 22 he moved to the United States, where he labored alternately …

January 9, 2023

Stewardship Saint for December: Saint Stephen

The day after Christmas is called “St. Stephen’s Day” to commemorate the first Christian martyr. It is also this “Feast of Stephen” that is mentioned in the English Christmas carol, “Good King Wenceslas.” Stephen was a Greek-speaking Jew living in Jerusalem. He became a follower of Jesus Christ and was one of seven individuals chosen …

December 5, 2022

Stewardship Saint for November: Saint Columban

Saint Columban The life of Saint Columban (also referred to as Columbanus) revealsa man who exercised remarkable stewardship over his life of faith and his gifts for evangelizing. He was born into a noble family in West Leinster, Ireland, in about543; a time when the great Celtic monasteries were being established in Ireland. He received …

October 31, 2022

Stewardship Saint for October: Saint Luke

Saint Luke Luke is the author of the third Gospel and was a companion of Saint Paul. According to reliable tradition, he was a Syrian physician from Antioch who wrote his Gospel in Achaea (Greece). Both the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles are attributed to Luke, because he appears to be the person …

September 30, 2022

Stewardship Saint for September: Saint Vincent de Paul

Saint Vincent de Paul The feast day of Saint Vincent de Paul is September 27, the date of his passing in 1660. He was the founder of the Vincentians and the Sisters of Charity, and is the patron saint of all charitable organizations. Born in 1581 to a peasant family in southwestern France, Vincent studied …

September 9, 2022

Stewardship Saint for August: Saint Clare of Assisi

Clare of Assisi was a close friend of Saint Francis of Assisi and the foundress of the Poor Clares. She was born in Assisi in 1194 and at age 18 was so moved by the Lenten sermons of Francis that she renounced all of her possessions and entered a convent, much to the dissatisfaction of …

August 8, 2022

Stewardship Saint for July: Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict Saint Benedict, the father of Western monasticism, is considered a model of Christian stewardship. He authored the famous Rule of St. Benedict, a handbook of daily Christian living that emphasizes exercising stewardship over prayer, work, and community. Born in central Italy in the town of Nursia around 480, Benedict studied in Rome as …

July 6, 2022

Stewardship Saint for June: Saint Barnabas

Saint Barnabas Barnabas comes as close as anyone outside the twelve apostles to being considered an apostle. He is memorialized, in part, for his amazing evangelizing ministry. He was a Jew from Cyprus named Joseph but the apostles affectionately nicknamed him “Barnabas,” which means “son of encouragement.” When he became a follower of Jesus he …

June 10, 2022

Stewardship Saint for May: Saint Luis Batiz Saenz

Saint Luis Batiz Saenz Saint Luis Batiz Saenz was a Mexican Catholicpriest who suffered martyrdom at the beginningof the Mexican uprising against the anti-Catholicregime of Plutarco Elías Calles. Luis was born in 1870 in San Miguel delMezquital, Zacatecas, then in the Archdioceseof Durango. He was said to have been a devout,prayerful, young boy. At age …

May 2, 2022