Christian Stewardship: Key to Renewal of the Church in the Philippines
By Mary Ann Otto, Pastoral Minister for Missionary Discipleship, St. Mary and St. Joseph Parishes, Appleton, Wisconsin The spirituality of stewardship and the practices that give witness to its truths are changing the heart and face of the Church in the Philippines, which identifies as a Church of the Poor, and beyond. What are …
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Stewardship Prayer for April
Christ Our Savior, As our Lenten journey brings us closer to Easter, We see with a deeper awareness our world’s desperate need to experience the healing power of your justice and peace. Make us sacraments of your mercy and instruments of your compassion. Show us how to be better stewards of your people; through our …

Stewardship Saint for April Saint Mark the Evangelist
Saint Luke’s theology of stewardship is well-documented. But it is also well-known that an understanding of Saint Mark’s theology of Christian discipleship in the second Gospel is necessary in order to understand Luke’s views on stewardship. Hence, Mark’s views on discipleship as well as his stewardship of Saint Peter’s memories, make him an important stewardship …
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Forty Days, Forty Ways to Exercise Good Stewardship of Lent and Easter
Are you looking for ideas to help you with your Lenten experience? Here are 40 ideas to fill the 40 days of Lent and the beginning of the Easter season. Attempt a more intentional prayer life – start a habit in the morning and before bedtime. Attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. Wear your ashes out …
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A Stewardship Prayer for March
Merciful Lord, As we prepare for our journey of renewal toward the great paschal feast of Easter, teach us to be good stewards of your mercy and forgiveness, so that we may extend these gifts to others. Give us the strength to bear witness to you at all times, even in times of stress and …

Eleven Keys to a Successful Marriage
Recommit yourself to your marriage every single day.If you want to cultivate a strong and happy marriage, start each morning by making a renewed personal commitment to keeping your relationship healthy and rewarding. Start by remembering what you said you’d do in your wedding vows: Love your spouse. Honor her (or him!) Cherish her. Comfort …

Gracious God, You sent us Your Spirit to help us live the Gospel according to the gifts we have been given. Show us how to be good stewards of your grace and passionate followers of Christ, Your Son. Grant us the wisdom to recognize that through His gift of the Eucharist there is …

Stewardship Saint for February: Saint Cornelius the Centurion
According to the Acts of the Apostles (10:45) the first pagan converted to Christ was an officer of the imperial Roman army. Cornelius the Centurion is described by the scriptures as a devout man who feared God, gave alms generously, and prayed constantly to God (10:1-2). Cornelius and the Apostle Peter had simultaneous visions that …
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Neumann, a small individual at 5’2”, arrived in Manhattan in June 1836 and was ordained three weeks later for the Diocese of New York. His first assignment was to provide pastoral care for a German-speaking immigrant community whose members were clearing forests for a settlement near Niagara Falls. After four years of working alone, Neumann …